July Fieldwork and Fun

July was filled with fieldwork and camping fun. We started the month with the end of our 4th of July camping trip in Tok at Moon Lake with some friends. Then back to Fairbanks where Jeff grabbed the boys and they went straight to Denali Park to meet Jeff's old college roommate and his family on their trip around Alaska. I met them down there a couple of days later. We hiked, and ate, and took the bus into the park. Not too many animals but we had good weather and a good time. Lots of rainy weather this July meant good berries! We picked several gallons at the end of the month!

 Boating fun at Moon Lake!

These two are best buds!

 The old folks playing scrabble.

As they grow! We have photos of the five of these kids camping every summer since Will was a baby!

Introducing the out-of-towners to pie irons and fun camp foods.

Whitewater rafting! That was fun! Will got so wet, facing each wave head on!

Lunch on the Toklat River.

Cool views from the park.

The boys learn a new card game from our guests!

We had a great time in Denali!

Best berry picking! We will have blueberries all winter!
