June Camping Adventures (and other things)

We had some great camping adventures in June. The boys each picked a buddy and came out to Delta to work on a site with me. The little guys stayed in the camper with me and the big kids put their tent in the woods. I got my garden in at the start of the month. It always looks pathetic for awhile and I am surprised when I finally get vegetables. We met Felicia up on Chena Hotsprings Road one weekend and camped in the pouring rain. We got a little boating before the downpour and a nice swim in the warm pools at the hot springs... we even had lightning! While we were camping we had our kitchen countertops put in. Finally! After 6 years! We are very excited, backsplash and the house will be finally pretty much finished! Jack and Will went to Wild Rose Camp and Will went to Art Camp. Wild Rose was a hit as usual. The kids would go all summer if they could. Will really liked pottery camp and was proud of his creations. We did the Midnight Sun Run on the solstice. The kids ran the whole 6 miles! At the end of the month the little guys went to Canada (just over the border) to the Little John archaeology site with me on another project. They had a fun time there but didn't do much archaeology. We love summer campouts!

Delta camping with some best pals!

Hmm... doesn't look too promising.

Camping at a pond on Chena Hot Springs Road. Too bad we had a downpour! Managed to eat our hunter stews without getting too wet!

New Corian counters!

Muddy and hot and loving Wild Rose!

Finished the Midnight Sun Run! Celebrating with potatoes.

Hanging out at Little John with some archaeologists. 

Making pottery at art camp.
