After Christmas holidays we settled back into the normal routine of school, skiing, and karate with a couple of other exciting events thrown in for good measure. Here are some photos from the rest of our winter.
In January Jack's ski team got a visit from Olympic skier Kikkan Randall.
Here Jack is tearing around the corner during a January race!
Will racing to the finish with his group.
In February I took a trip to Colorado for some meetings and checked in with Kate at graduate school.
The boys got new purple belts in karate in February.
Cool photos of Will and Jack from the belt test.
Will gets on the podium at another race.
And here is Jack taking a jump!
Jack working on his science fair project. Which wax is fastest?
Will got in on that one too.
Nana came to visit in March while mom and dad went to an archaeology meeting in Sitka, Alaska.
Working hard at the conference.. Sitka brewery tour with my students!
Having fun tubing at Birch Hill for a birthday party.
Will modeling mom's costume for a ski race.
The ladies of the Oosik ski race in Talkeetna.
End of the hockey seasons for Will and Mom.
Jack skis the Sonot 20k skate!
Whole school ski day!
Spring cabin camping trip to Donna Lake on Easter weekend.
and basketball season begins!