In September the boys got into the groove at school. They were really into running club this year and actually ran at the races. We had one last camp out at a friends farm and finished harvesting all garden goods. Just in time! We had a huge snow storm near the end of the month and that was the end of summer!!
Field trip to Rosie Creek Farm. Here the kids are making dyes from flowers.
Gorgeous fall days for running club races!
Will rides a horse at the farm.
Jack loves the chickens.
Will harvests potatoes.
Getting cooler around the 21st. Here is my 2015 Equinox team!
The boys made their own harvest soups.
Jeff took the boys hunting. It rained but the boys were happy with fall camping and their grouse kill. Jack's first!
Going for a climb.
Jack gets two grouse with one shot on the road by our house!
And then a snow storm! Trees down, we had to dig ourselves in and out. No power for 3 days!