Mom's Trip

 I went to California for the weekend in February to meet the ladies and race in a half marathon. Paul and Shannon picked me up at the airport. We went to lunch and a fancy outdoor mall to go shopping. We got some yummy cupcakes : ). They took me to Kim's later on in the evening after we picked up Khloee. She is getting big! Spends the day at doggy daycare. Kim had to go to class on Saturday so Astrid and I went for a short run up to the kids' school and went to pick up our race bibs. We got out for a nice ladies dinner on Saturday night and got home early to get good sleep before the race. The race wasn't my best, but we gotter done and then played on the beach for awhile before going shopping. Jeff asked me to bring back ammo that you can't find in Alaska, so we hit the gun store. No luck in California either. Sounds like a world wide shortage on 22 ammo! Meanwhile at home, the boys were eating junk food, watching the Super Bowl, and getting a ski or two in. Southern California does have amazing weather! It was fun to get out of the cold.

Nice visit with my little brother, Shannon, and Khloee.

Surf city here we come!

On your mark!

Phew! That was fun. The beach is more fun.

 New experience for Kim!

All smiles before the race. It was a cold one!
