Nome Creek

Another scamping trip! We went up to Nome Creek in the White Mountains for some hiking, gold panning, and to check out the blueberries. The berries weren't ready but we had beautiful weather and a great time, until Sunday on our big hike... we got caught in a downpour and got drenched! When we finally made it to the bottom of the hill we jumped into the camper with the heater to change and warm up. Hurray for that!

Gold panning stop on the way out! We gave up on gold and went for garnets!

Bridger and Will find a giant gravel pile.

We are the kings of the mountain!

Marshmallow time.

I want my pancakes!

Hike- prestorm!

While we were scamping, Jack was at a fancy lake cabin with Olive, boating and swimming. Fun!
