June-Summer Fun

We started off June with a mini cap! Have to get some golfing in with the clubs the boys got from Nana and Papa for Christmas. Will is finally old enough for camp, so he went out to golf camp for the first time. The major hit was the popcorn that the lunch lady fed them all morning, but the boys don't seem to mind the golf either.

Long ball!

Pouting because he didn't get the tee he wanted.

Congrats! Completed golf camp!

Jeff was heading out to the field so the boys and I packed up after golf camp ended and went down to Anchorage for another Scamping weekend. We stayed in the yard of some friends in Palmer and then went to the Renaissance Fair in Anchorage before heading back home.

Hurray! Mom hooked up the trailer! Let's go!

Dinner in Denali on the way down.

Palmer fun.

Nice to have a place of your own on the road.

The boys were allowed to buy toy swords since birthdays were coming up. Metal "toys" were pretty fierce!

On the way home we stopped and met some friends at Otto Lake north of Denali. We played on the playground, made a nice hot lunch, and relaxed a bit!
