Gold Rush History (and Prehistory) Scamping Trip: Day 3

Day 3: Whitehorse
After a giant pancake breakfast we hopped back in the car to make our way south. We stopped in Haines Junction for lunch and to see the Visitor and Cultural Centre. That sure was a great place. Brochures and guidebooks on 1001 destinations and lots of cool interpretive displays with hands on activities for kids. We must have spent an hour going through boxes with furs and cultural items. It was a super fun stop. After that we headed to Whitehorse with an afternoon stop at the Takhini hot springs. They had a nice big HOT outdoor pool with lots of room for kids to swim. It was no rock pool (CHSR) but it was a step up for kids, that is for sure. The boys had a great time. After that we went into downtown Whitehorse for Japanese food (of course!) and then out to the farm of old Fairbanks friends turned Canadian, Paul and Toos. They are raising sheep on the farm for wool and meat.

We almost saw some tourists get eaten by this bear!! They got really close (outside their car) but old Griz paid no attention.

Haines Junction has cool things to see!

Ah! A bath, and only three days in!

We can always get the boys to eat rice, edaname, sushi, and miso soup!
Meeting some old miner in downtown Whitehorse.

 Checking out the farm. The little rams had to be blocked off because they are dangerous head-butters!
