Here are some of our exciting November activities. Jeff and I made it out on a couple of dates. Here we are at a wine tasting with friends Missy (Will's preschool teacher) and Dan.
Winter time means dinner parties. We had some friends with twin girls over. The boys always gang up to defend their territory, but Will warmed up to them eventually. Jack found his ipod and hid.
Will spars with teacher Bill. Better with swords!
We found out Jasper's days were numbered in August because of colon cancer, but he is doing amazing! The steroids he is on makes him feel like a young dog... but he is starving all the time. One night he found his way into the garbage can! How did he open the cupboard?
We got a crazy winter storm with heavy winds and warm temperatures. Trees went down on power lines all over town. We were out of power for 2 days but have friends that we out up to a week. Watching 100ft spruce trees go down in your yard is pretty scary. Jeff had to cut our way out of our street after the storm. Lots of firewood! The boys were impressed with "camping in our own house" for a little while. Jack figured out how to play games without his ipod, and it was snowball and sledding weather!
Will adores his brother... and wants to work side by side. He often drags a little desk in next to Jack's to do work. Very cute.
And I am playing hockey. Thought you would like to see my new PINK hockey jersey and socks!