Mom's Half Marathon Trip

Last summer I did a crazy thing. I signed up to run a half marathon in California with some friends that I went to UAlberta with... I haven't run since before my knee surgeries 5 years ago! We all trained and kept up by text message and the big trip finally arrived!

I got a nice send off from the boys. That is me on the top (upside down). Will and I are running away from Lord Garmadon (Lego Ninjago if you need an explanation!).

I flew into Anaheim where my brother Paul lives! I went over to his rink first and watched him coach some 5th graders, then he took me out to a late dinner. I felt so grown up without kids!

 The next day we had a nice walk on the beach with Khloee. She is a sweet puppy.

 Wow. I know why people live in California. Amazing weather!!

 Then it was off to meet the girls for a fancy salad lunch and catching up!

The next morning the gang got together to do a light training run.. Devon (left) and Leslie (right) from Vancouver WA, and Astrid (next to me) from Calgary.

Afterwards it was girl time! Poor Kim (right), our host, is 6 mos pregnant so she was not running!

We did toenails, eyebrows, lunch, and then  got our make up done! Don't we look pretty!

Then down to Hamilton Beach to pick up our bibs and loot bags! Getting nervous now!! Wil (next to me) is Kim's husband (the only one who didn't go to grad school with us), and he ran too. We went out for a fancy pasta dinner after this.

4:30 am race day! Devon's Breakfast of Champions included a Guiness, the rest of us chose more traditional pre race meals. We headed out to the race site and warmed up in a hotel next to the starting line.

Here we are lined up and ready to go! We had cheap shirts on to keep warm but we tossed them even before we started running.

 Look at this crowd! Almost 20,000 people running the marathon and half marathon! Off we go!

 And here we all are. Tired, but we all finished!! We had a great time. It was so good to have a fitness goal the last few months. We are trying to figure out what to sign up for next!
