Rest of the Familiy Arrived!

Jennie and Shaun and baby Margaret arrived on New Years Eve eve! We were so excited to see Margaret! She was just a baby last year, but now she is such a big girl at 1.5! The boys just followed her around in awe. She thought they were pretty fun too. They played choice and got her to repeat words... she is a real Esdale, talks up a storm already! Our favorites were "cozy blanket" and "here comes trouble!". When asked, "who is trouble" she would say "Jack and Will". Smartie pants.

 Yeah for cousins and cocktails in the pool! Margaret had to have the same cup as Jack and Will, of course.

 The boys test the pool chemicals with Papa. Another Florida tradition.

Lucky us, ANOTHER CHRISTMAS! We brought Margaret the Thomas the Train set. She first opened a trail in her stocking. Jack said, "heh! I have that same train!", when I said "you HAD that same train" he laughed. I was glad no one freaked out about passing on the train set!

 Margaret knows I love Ninjago!

 And Hobbit Lego! Awesome!

 A cuddle with a new baby.

Nothing like New Years Eve fireworks and lanterns on the street in front of the house at 8pm! We like to get it over with early so that we can get to bed.
