Christmas at Papa and Nana's

After a quick stop in St. Pete's we drove down to Ft. Myers to spend some time with Nana and Papa in the caged community. The boys love the routines we have there... picking oranges and grapefruit off of the trees, getting ice in the golf cart, cocktails in the pool, playing on the putting green, movies with Nana and Papa, and lots and lots of swimming. All the things you can't do in Alaska.

 My dad has gotten back into woodworking in his retirement, and made this cute little bridge to go over his overflow stream.

 I'm having this one for breakfast!! Jack LOVES grapefruit.

 Quick swim with mom. Papa heats up the pool to 92F and the boys love it. Jack is a fish, constantly retrieving things from the bottom of the pool.

This year for Christmas my parents got the boys golf clubs. Just their size! They were thrilled.

Stormy weather kept the boys inside after unwrapping the presents so they made a mini golf course.

 The full ensemble includes a glove, hat (with name), and shirt that matches their bags. So cute! Jack takes golf really seriously. He claims it is "his sport". We told him that he has to pick another one too!

 Night time hot tub with dad!

Another tradition- haircuts! Jack hates every second of it and squirms like crazy.

Will thinks that Joe the Barber is pretty cool. Especially when he has ice cream sandwiches or cookies after!

 It was only 20 degrees warmer in Florida than Fairbanks one day so we took a trip to Thomas Edison's house and lab. Here is the inside of his botanical laboratory.

We learned lots of interesting things about Edison. He was a giant, for example.

Rare family photo.... at least 1 smirking child, of course.
