Getting Ready For Halloween

All holidays seem to last weeks when you have children. Halloween started in September when Grammer was here. We have been thinking about costumes and eating candy for a month, and the last week has been filled with activities. 

Trying on some outfits, just checking out all the costume possibilities. At once.

 Here we are checking out the new seasonal Halloween store in town. The boys were too afraid to go near the scary creatures!

 Will is all set for Halloween as a viking, and so is his doll, baby Maggie.

Watershed school has an annual Halloween carnival. It is just a big candy fest. Here Will as Viking Spiderman, or was it Spiderman Viking?

Good job finding a non-candy activity!

 Off with one costume, but still prepared at the candle squirt game. 

 The concentration!

 Whatever. It doesn't look anything like me.

 Big night on the town at a friend's Halloween party. Left to right, Viking Spiderman, Werewolf, Archer, Wicked Witch of the West.

 The next day we were happy to go to the Shults/Warburton pumpkin carving party. For some reason I bought 7 pumpkins this year, so we had our work cut out for us.

 Jack took Jack-o-Lanterns seriously.

Will made a door in his pumpkin.

 Drawing the classic "W" design.

 Dad likes to do scary pumpkins.

 Mom's job was cleaning out and saving seeds.

Ooooh! Spooky!
