End of Fall

We got our first dusting of snow on Sept 30 and no real sticking snow until into October. We took advantage of the extra fall to get some jobs done around the yard and have some fun.

 Jeff rented a dump truck one day and brought home multiple loads of gravel and mulch.

 Leaves at school!

 Leaves in the woods on a brush burning adventure with dad!

 Jeff and Jack also went moose hunting. Jack was excited to have a new bow with "real" hunting arrows. He was not sure how he was going to kill a moose with his bb gun.

 No moose yet, but mom packed snacks!

 Next year I need some camo dad.

 Well, maybe no moose, but can I at least get a squirrel?

The boys have a new job- stacking firewood. Most of the time they haul it from the stairs to the pile on the deck, but Jack actually managed to move one bin across the yard himself. We can use the sled now!
