Birthday Boys

Jack and Will shared their birthdays over a couple of weeks this year. Jack had decided on a pool party at Hamme Pool. Will thought that would be a good plan so we invited his friends too. Each boy had their own cake, and decorated them. Jack's cake was true to life- Hamme Pool layout with Lego people as swimmers. Will shoved Ninjagos, pirates, and squinkees all over his pool, Papa's pool.

 Can I eat this now mom?

 This looks awesome! I think the boys had more fun decorating their cakes on their own than being surprised by what I make. Maybe we will do this every year.

 We skyped present opening with Nana & Papa and Grammer. It was a Ninjago birthday.

After a swim we went upstairs for cake and presents. 

Caleb is impressed. 

 Hurry up with my cake mom.

 We brought balloons to make balloon animals but ended up just making swords.

 And crazy hats. 

Thanks for all the thoughtful presents! The boys loved all of them.

And they got to open them for a week as they came slowly in the mail. Yeah!
