Easter Bunnies

Jack wanted to start "preparing" for Easter weeks in advance this month. so we started by getting out the books and baskets. Then we made rice kristpie bunnies and went to Landon & Kalena's annual Easter party where we decorated sugar eggs. The boys thought that was great. We colored at least 2 dozen eggs. I would let them do more but they don't eat them! Felicia came over for breakfast Easter morning and we went to the Wests for a late lunch and another Easter Egg hunt. It was a nice day and we were able to look for eggs in the snow. Fun fun fun!

 Jack puts a baby chick in an egg.

 May as well do these projects naked, then we just need a bath- no laundry!

 Dad makes a bunny.

Too cute to eat!!
 Sugar egg decorating. So fun.

 We have about 5 years of these now! Jack has made them most years.

Easter morning. The bunny brought Nerf guns and Easter trees.

And hid lots of eggs!
 Wow! Berries!

 Yeah! Ninjago!

 Jasper helps find eggs.

 These are getting tricky!

 The outside hunt on a nice sunny day!

Climbing for eggs.
The snow is still deep!
Yeah! Easter is fun!
