We Wish it was Christmas Time All Year!

Last weekend we got busy on Christmas! We set up the Christmas Village to the delight of the boys. They know it is not a toy, but they just can't help themselves.... On Sunday it was really warm out (above freezing)! We set out in search of our Christmas tree. It didn't take long to find one up the hill. It was the first year that our search didn't end in tears! We had lots of fun decorating trees. Tonight we made more Christmas cookies and ate a few too!

 Setting up the Christmas Village. The boys are adding snow.
Can I live there?

 Where is the tree dad? Believe it or not, this was at about 10:30 am!

 This one looks good.

I can do the cutting!

While waiting for dad to bring the tree, the boys decorated the tiny trees they brought home.

 Will was pretty impressed with himself.

Then came the decorating! The boys were into the lights but lost interest fast.

I think tree decorating is really a mom job. Go figure.

Here is our finished masterpiece. From this distance you can't see how lopsided it is! Not bad. Our stockings are hung from the window sill with care.

This week for work I went snow machining down the Tanana River to see some of our training lands. We got to go right by our house! Here is the view of our house from down on the river.

This was cute. Will was carrying Papa's bear around in a make-shift sling. They were both wearing jeans.

Tonight we got into making Jeff's families traditional pizelle cookies. 

 We rolled them into tubes to harden so that we could squirt whipped cream into the middles. Yum!

  Not sure if any will be left for Santa!

It is the night before the night before Christmas! We are two excited boys!!!
