Getting Ready for Christmas

The countdown to Christmas is on.

Our first big project was making our own Advent calendars. It cost me a million a million dollars to fill. Next year I will be going for the playmobile calendar! The boys have been having fun though. There was a mommy panda in one door with a note saying that the panda was going to have a baby a few days later, the boys made little panda homes for the baby and Jack was so excited the day it was due. It was almost as good as Christmas!

Next was gingerbread houses! I got all of the supplies ready and then left the project for dad one night!

Jack made his all by himself.

Will was happy just to eat the icing and candy off of the table. He even made bear noises.

Will's beautiful creation.

Jack's factory.

Mom's gingerbread house. I made it at work during the Christmas party. I brought it home for the boys. They loved it. Dog sled and dog team, if you can't tell!

This weekend we were on to sugar cookies! The boys wanted to make 3-D blobs.

Or just eat the dough.
Will went to first grade on Friday. He made a snowman.

Santa came to Ice Puppies! Jack forgot what he wanted and Will just smiled.

After dinner wrestle. I hope Jack stays bigger than Will. Will is tenacious.
