Happy Halloween

Wow, Halloween is a busy exciting time in our house. The boys (well, Jack) really gets into the fun. And I must admit, I do too! The sewing machine comes out once a year and I do all the costumes and mending at once. This year's theme was Harry Potter. Jack was Harry (of course), Will was Hagrid (he came up with it- but wouldn't wear the costume when push came to shove), and I was Prof. McGonagall. We went to the Watershed School carnival on Saturday, pumpkin carving bright and early Sunday morning, then the Museum spooky lab tour on Monday, and finally trick-or-treating Monday night. The boys were worn out with all of that fun.

Let the fun begin. Jack was impressed that I had such a good cloak too.

Fun games! Spray the fire in the pumpkin out.


Fishing for candy. That was fun.

Jack did this game 4 or 5 times.

Wait, what am I doing here! There were 4 Harry's all together.

Jack's teacher did a photo fundraiser. I think she raised over $200 for books for the class.

Jack works on his picture frame.

Will draws pumpkins. He is really good at circles right now.

8 am Sunday, we had better get these pumpkins carved!

Jack didn't want to head to the hospital again this year so the boys drew and we cut.

This design was surprisingly difficult to carve.

So proud of his little pumpkin. Littler is better with this kid.

Scary faces on "mom's and dad's" pumpkins.

I want to put the candle in!

Our spooky ensemble.

Monday! A cold 12 degree F!

Will was a little nervous to ask for candy but got into the fun eventually.

I can't wait to get back home to count and sort my candy!


Peggy said…
my bum made it into the first picture.