Catching up!

Wow! Spring has come to Fairbanks! We are expecting sunny weather and temperatures in the 40s for the rest of the week. Hopefully that will mean the end to our snow! We only have 4 weeks left of school. By this time of year we have settled into a routine. Will and I stay at Kindergarten for a little while a few mornings a week to read with kids in Jack's class. Will loves Kindergarten.

Skiing days are over for the year. Jack's class went cross country skiing 2ce a week. Can you imagine getting 22 kindergarteners together with boots and skis? I can't believe they can manage it.

Building blocks in Jack's classroom.

Will outside at Jack's school in "sticktopia". The kids build forts in the brush there.


Jack is back in swimming lessons now that hockey season is over.

Hey, what about me?

Haircut! Jack loved his shaggy hair. We told him he could grow it back for his birthday so that he could be Harry Potter.

Eating ribs.

Who needs a toilet?

Harry Potter and mini Harry having breakfast.

I went to Anchorage (BY MYSELF!) a couple of weekends ago to play in a hockey tournament. This was my team.
