Day 13 & 14: North Point and Boogie Boarding

More adventures in Hawaii! We had a great day exploring the north shore of the island. There is a great archaeological site off the beaten trail and it is a great spot for whale watching. We also had another wonderful beach day. Do the Hawaiians know that they have PERFECT WEATHER every day???

This archaeological site was a Heiau next to King Kamehameha's birth site. We were excited to find some artifacts on the ground.

Will wanted to climb all of the ruins. Jeff scooped him up in time!

Jeff is showing the boys a broken adze blade.

I am showing the location we discovered the adze blade. Maybe we will mail the photo to the park's archaeologist so he can go find it!

Will just climbed up the whole fence!

A whale showing off.

Rinsing off at the condo pool after the long day hiking.

There was a Jack sized pool in addition to the Will sized one. Can you believe that we only swam once? Too busy!

Steaks on the grill one night. Will says "hot".

The next day we went to Hapuna beach. One of the most beautiful beaches on the Big Island. Soft sand, great waves.

Will gets comfortable inside the sand castle!

Surfer dude. Boogie boarding seems just like surfing to a 5 year old!

Off to catch a wave.

At the playground in Waimea again at the end of the day. This photo is funny to us because of Will the copy cat. Jack had a rock in his crock so Will sat down beside him to remove an invisible rock from his shoe too!

Blue eyes!
