Happy First Birthday Will!

Will turned 1 last week! We celebrated his birthday on the weekend, but on the actual day mom and Will had a quiet day together and I got lots of video of this busy baby hamming it up. The rain cleared up on Sunday afternoon and we had a few friends over for BBQ dinner and cake.

Will answers the phone. He loves to dance to the phone music.

Don't tell Jack... getting into his toys!

Mmmm... Sunday, party day arrives. Bacon for my birthday breakfast!


Chewing on a boot at the party.

Fishy cake.

Yum! Eating with a spoon.

Still messy though!

Movie: birthday boy eats cake.

Present time. This bucket is great!


Trish Dihle said…
happy happy birthday Will/Finn! It looks like it was a very fun party. :)