In and Around Feltre and the B&B

Grammer gets woken up by her boys.

Salamis for the wedding hanging up in the basement.

Sun shining on the B&B.

Jack built the Coliseum next to the river.

Jack explains Amy's birthday card at our first lunch out.

2nd of MANY pizzas.

Will loves pizza!

Jack checks out Amy's massage table.

The court house where Amy was going to get married.

The old town plaza.

Feltre is a really cute old city. Here is a quaint little lane.

Iron at the old castle.

Getting on the internet at Amy's favorite espresso and prosecco stop.

Christian's dad Gino makes us polenta on the old basement stove.

Polenta, salami, and prosecco!

Jack helps Christian put up signs to the B&B.

Fossil hunting.


Wow! These photos are great!! Looks like a fun time.