Countdown to Christmas!

Things are getting festive around here, despite the lack of snow (we only have a few inches) and unusually warm temperatures (in the high 20s lately!!). The contractors are finally out of the house. Jeff started priming the upstairs tonight! Yeah! We will chip away on the rest of the work ourselves. We are getting ready for some helpers though, Jeff's sister Amy arrives Tuesday.... ready for remodels, and my parents are coming Christmas Eve to paint and put in flooring!
We are excited for our family members to see our house changes and our lives in Fairbanks. Here are some photos from the week.

Big enough for sink baths!

Jack is "into duckies" now. Here is his duck family.

The little munchy and dad.

Jack and puppy on a family ski.


Oh, I bet you're happy you've got your house back! I can't wait to see pictures of paint and flooring! I'd like to send you some of our snow and cold! We've go A LOT of snow and it's -31 this morning.
Peggy said…
I love that your family is coming up to help with the work - and that it happens to also be xmas is fantastic. Enjoy. Do you have enough places for all to sleep? I have an air mattress and a big room downstairs if you need a getaway.
Yeah, I have stuff to sleep on --- like a Queen Mattress on the back of the house!! Parents can be great help with painting and such --- I think my mom has painted our deck and a few rooms. My aunt helped build furniture :)
Fionna Gilchrist said…
Beth and Fionna your Scottish relatives really enjoyed seeing Will and Jack. It's great to know the Wilson name stays in the family.