Marni and Eleanor visit!

Last week, my childhood friend, Marni, and her youngest daughter, Eleanor, came to visit from Vancouver. Three little ones in the house kept us busy (Eleanor is just 1), but we had a great visit. Hot weather and lots of chat time.

Eleanor checks out the new sandbox.

Jack guards his lego from Eleanor.

Ready for a walk.

Ooh! Raspberries!

I love them mom!

Marni and the midnight sun. Thanks for visiting! We had a great time.


marni said…
getting used to nighttime again was tough!

thank YOU julie for hosting us in your little alaskan getaway.

Madeleine is still asking when does she get to go.

***** Highly recommended. (Cloth diapers included)
Looks like a great visit!
Peggy said…
Good thing marni is wearing black - i draw the line at john eating while in the Ergo. I have a thing against watermelon dripping down my shirt.
chenoa said…
what fun! Looks like you both had a great time! Oh, and the kids too...