Jack or Will?

Jack and Will look amazingly alike in their first few weeks! Can you figure out who is who?

First photo- which is Will? Top or bottom?

Sucking thumbs, left or right?

Going home, left or right?

First bath, left or right?

Ooo, left or right?

Lots of hair, dark blue eyes, left or right?

(ANSWER KEY-T,L,L,R,L,L is Will)


Both are beautiful! I think Baby Will is on the right.
Did I say right...I mean LEFT!!
Kim said…
I say:

Are you going to tell us? They DO look amazingly alike though! Especially in those bottom two. And super adorable!

In other news, my best friend (the one I was doing the hypno birthing class with) is in early labor! Her water broke at 3am. :-)
Yes, they do look amazingly alike. Won't it be fun to see how they diverge, or possibly converge, as they grow older.
lilymorris said…
Well I only got two right! I can't wait to see little Will follow Jack all around. Such a fun game!
Peggy said…
oh my. It will be fun to see if they look as much alike as they grow.
marni said…
one advantage of him looking so much like jack as a baby is that you know for SURE he will be a cute kid.
Anonymous said…
Isn't it crazy how similar they look as babies? Landon and Kalena were the same way and boy are they different now...but who would want them to be the same! I agree with another poster....they are BOTH adorable and since Jack is so cute...Will will be a knockout too :)

jw and crew
Susi said…
that's incredible. i definitely got the bottom two right. i recognize that photo of jack iwth the green outfit, your birth announcement, or something! so cute! how are things? i guess i'll have to exchange the little outfit i got him since he's over 10lbs! forgot how quickly that happens!!!!!