Happy Birthday Mom

Well, another year has gone by. I will just tell you that I am 30 years older than Jack : ). My birthday was a road trip day. We went down to Gakona to spend the week with our good friends.

Yeah, fondue pot! Can't wait to try that out!

Lunch stop and another nap. Does this kid do anything but nap?

Wake up Finn! The french fries are here!

Mmmm, yummy dessert for birthday dinner in Gakona, thanks Ann!

All the kids (left to right, Kaya, Ann, Jesse, Jack, and Elsa!).


You are looking good, Julie! Happy Birthday!
lilymorris said…
Happy belated birthday. We will have to go out to lunch if we ever get a chance!
chenoa said…
Happy BIrthday Julie!
I'm glad you had a good birthday! That cake looks great! You're lucky to have a friend like that!!