Harry Potter Birthday Party

Last weekend Jack had a Harry Potter birthday with just a couple of his friends. We had a great time with the planning. The whole yard was transformed.

The kids arrived and got their money at Gringott's Bank.

They then went to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies.

Wands and cloaks!

And don't forget the candy!

Left to right: Harry, Ginny, Ron, Fred, and Hermione.

Everyone got into the theme!

Wand decorating.

Potions class.

Creating potions with spices and sprinkles. They all successfully made the potion that made them run at twice their normal speed.

Will woke up from a nap to join in for this part. Potions are fun!

The sorting hat put them all in Gryffindor!

Hooray for the feast!


Quidditch Game, Wands up!

And away! We pelted them with water balloons from the deck.







Spooky cake.

Finally, yeah presents!


Erica said…
What great pics! Looks like a rousing success. Wish I could have been there for the cake!
Wowee! Amazing job. Ben will read the 1st book this summer.
Kim said…
Oh my goodness, Julie. This is the BEST birthday party ever!! I am definitely adding these ideas to my idea bank for future use! :-) (I do that not infrequently with inspiration from you, by the way.)

Happy birthday to Jack!