Break Up at Tribulation Trail

The boys were in the sandbox before the snow was out of the yard (it is almost all gone now).

We babysat some pugs. The boys loved their cages.

Flint knapping with dad next to the wood pile.

Will helping dad move wood off the deck... just last weekend. We don't have any of that snow in the background now.

I'll take care of the rest of that snow!

Boys drawing a birthday card. Such concentration.

Will and his buddy Leo cook beans in the new kitchen.

Will beating up his big brother at Felicia's house a couple of weeks ago.

After snow comes mud!

Jack's class singing at the school talent show.

My little chef.

Exploring at the university.

Having a tantrum.


Peggy said…
i love how you get a photo of will beating on jack before you help jack. i wouls have done the same thing.